In this section, you will find useful resources to deepen your knowledge about the whole project and in particular about the methodology used.

The main innovative aspect of THE WATCH PROJECT is the application to the school context of THE WORK DISCUSSION METHODOLOGY: hopefully with it teachers will be gradually helped in maintaining an observational and reflective eye on their pupils.

The mean that this partnership decided to use for the application of the Work Discussion Approach is the FAIRYTALE-ACTION which consists of three phases, each lasting about four months. During the FIRST PHASE, "Known" fairy tales are presented to the children while in the SECOND PHASE children have to develop a new fairy tale in group according to the Gianni Rodari's GRAMMAR OF FANTASY.

In the THIRD PHASE of the project the group of children is asked to invent new fairy tales PLAYING WITH THE "CARDS OF PROPP" (see also the BOOKLET), in order to "perform" them with the use of puppets.