Final Publication: “Work Discussion Approach as good practice in primary schools”

This two-year project has been devoted at introducing the Work Discussion Methodology in the field of School Education for primary schools, according to the guidelines contained in the booklet produced at the beginning and delivered during the first Learning Activity for teachers. This Final Publication, which represents the Intellectual Output of the project, analyses the effects produced by the application of the methodology together with the use of the fairy tales. It contains the experiences lived within the participating schools in Italy, Romania, Slovenia and Estonia, according to the key actors directly involved, and the following scientific deductions.

The methodology has been experimented in three different phases - where the fairy tales have been used in three different ways - with the aim to understand if its application could effectively be able to support the management of the relational dynamics that occur in a classroom and that often turn into a real obstacle to learning.

The final publication analyses how and to which extent the initial hypotheses have been fulfilled and if the methodology combined with the use of fairy tales can help teachers in developing (or rediscovering) the ability to observe and reflect on what is happening within the class.

The Intellectual Output / Final Publication of the project represents a step towards the definition of focused good practices addressed to School Sector and is mainly dedicated to school managers, teachers, psychologists and educators.