EDU lab is an association founded by a group of volunteers active for years in the Vesuvius area and involved in the issues of education and social inclusion of vulnerable groups.

  • We plan, organize and implement services and activities specifically targeted at school-age children, young people leaving the educational system and disadvantaged people both in terms of economic and social-being.
  • We encourage the promotion of mobility actions and the exchange of knowledge and best practices with other countries.
  • We educate to the integration of different cultures by providing the tools and by managing relevant and necessary initiatives to strengthen the identity, to facilitate integration and to promote mutual enrichment.

EDU lab main aim is the development and implementation of projects of social impact and innovative actions aimed at improving the dialogue with the school system, spreading practices of formal, informal and non formal education, applied to weak elements.

The Association then promotes and encourages the implementation of training-school activities for children and young people, through the dissemination of disciplines aimed at contributing to their cultural and civil development.

Through European projects, educational workshops, study days and educational activities, we aim to:

  • encourage the participation of weaker segments of the society, with problems of a different nature and kind;
  • promote the integration of children, teenagers and young people in different contexts, by removing the causes that hinder equal opportunities;
  • strengthen and promote social inclusion and cultural integration between citizens of different nationalities.

Starting from the personal competences of its members, all the activities performed by Edu Lab are oriented at giving a different point of view by developing specific initiatives for the youngest persons in collaboration with significant actors of the territory.

As a matter of fact our actions are always developed in cooperation with specialists in order to guarantee the appropriate value to the outputs.

EDU Lab then, through targeted projects, aims at stimulating its territorial context in order to increase the opportunities for young people to experience periods abroad, to and from Italy.


Moreover, since September 2017 we've been supporting the school I.C. Iovino-Scotellaro in the management and implementation of the Erasmus+ KA2 project "W.A.T.CH.". EDU lab has the Scientific and Transnational Coordination of the project thanks to the involvement, in its staff, of expert psychologists and psychotherapists.
