The school plays a very important role in the lives of young people by providing a reference point that helps or hinders the mental and emotional growth of the pupils.
Teachers usually face complex dynamics on their own and need specific tools to hone their interpersonal skills and to deal with the emotional distress that is sometimes connected to learning processes and the dynamics activated in the institutions in which they take place.
The WATCH (Work discussion Approach in primary schools: Teachers Observe CHildren) project, stemming from the idea that it is essential to create appropriate spaces in educational contexts, aims to support teachers in their crucial and delicate task of supporting the development of children entrusted to them.

Our Strategic Partnership proposes to achieve this aim through the application of the Work Discussion Methodology whose key instrument is that of "group discussions" about "work" situations inside the classrooms, observed and reported by the teachers. 
Teachers will describe their observations in specific reports to be analysed in the framework of the periodical local supervision groups with the psychologists ( 2 for each school: the conductor and the observer ) and to be shared in the framework of the transnational meetings among all the psychologists. This has the purpose to support a work experience that has the characteristics of an experimentation.
The organisation of work discussion groups, can become then an indispensable tool of their educational activity, as it is an important moment of reflection and analysis of the situations, the difficulties and the problems of the relational context in which they operate.
The project is also  the result of a depth reflection on previous experiences that have used the narration as a work tool and also its combination with the methodology is a new approach.

The work situations in the classrooms are then organised through a Fairy Tale Action. Teachers are asked to observe children during a work around fairy tales planned in three different phases: although there is a "general" purpose, each phase is pursuing a number of sub-goals. One of the objectives is developed through the idea of introducing children to some topics, treated in a symbolic manner, without "forcing them" to talk about them, but dipping the children in these issues with imagination and creativity.