Sixth transnational meeting in Ercolano, Italy

The Sixth and last Transnational Meeting was held in Italy. During the meeting, all partners discussed about the national events organized in May by each of them. Great attention was paid for sharing ideas and proposals about the Dissemination Plan for spreading the Final Output and all project activities in general. Finally, participants talked about the sustainability of the project and the actions planned by each school to keep alive the methodology successfully tested during these two years.


For the Applicant school:
  Project Coordinator (Monica Malfitano)
  Local Coordinator (Annunziata Punzo)
  All the members of the Local Management Board

For EDU lab:
  Scientific Coordinator (Carmine Ciannella)
  Transnational Coordinator (Gemma La Sita)
  Psychologist (Alessia Barbato)
  Coordinator for the Dissemination (Patrizia Picardi)
  Local Coordination Board (Stefania Ciannella)

For Osnovna sola Vic:
  Local Coordinator (Robin Dewa)
  Psychotherapist (Anja Ibrčič)

For Võnnu Secondary School:   
  Local Coordination Board (Valdek Rohtma)
  Psychotherapist (Jelena Žilkina)
  Psychologist (Riina Võikar)
  Teachers (Ene Russo, Erika Tiiman)

For Scoala gimnaziala Centrala:   
  Local Coordinator (Laura Arman)
  Psychotherapist (Lidia Sabo)
  Teacher (Corina Iatan)