Second transnational meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia


The second meeting had the aim to analyze the results of the first phase, to discuss about any difficulties encountered and to explain and organise the implementation of the second phase. Attention was paid to the Grammar of Gianni Rodari for the definition of new fairy tales.
The participants involved were one project coordinator for each partner school and the psychologists/psychotherapists in charge of applying the Work Discussion Methodology in the schools.




For the Applicant school:
  The Project Coordinator (Monica Malfitano)
  The Local Coordinator (Annunziata Punzo)

For EDU lab:
  The Scientific Coordinator (Carmine Ciannella)
  Transnational Coordinator (Gemma La Sita)
  Coordinator for the Dissemination (Patrizia Picardi)
  Psychologist of the Scientific Coordination Board (Alessia Barbato)

For Osnovna sola Vic:
  Local Coordinator (Robin Dewa)
  Psychologist (Nina KiriÄ)

For Võnnu Secondary School:   
  Local Coordinator (Tiit Viileberg)
  Psychologist (Riina Võikar)

For Scoala gimnaziala Centrala:
  Local Coordinator (Laura Arman)
  Psychologist (Lidia Sabo)