Presentation event WATCH project

In the theater hall of I.C."Ercolano5-Iovino-Scotellaro", in Herculaneum, was held the presentation conference to the scholastic community of the project W.A.T.C.H. (Work discussion Approach in the primary schools Teachers observe CHildren). WATCH, funded under the Erasmus European Program +KA2, is a strategic partnership between four countries: Italy, Estonia, Romania and Slovenia, lasting two years, whose goal is to provide teachers, through the use of the " Work Discussion ", a useful tool to increase the understanding of the child, in order to improve the inclusion in the classroom and offer the most appropriate educational strategies. The professor. Antonio Todisco, headmaster of I.C. "Ercolano5-Iovino-Scotellaro" (lead school), after having welcomed the introductory greetings to the participants of the conference, left the floor to the speakers, to better illustrate the specifications of the project W.A.T.C.H. Dr. Gemma La Sita, president of the EDUlab Association, and Dr. Carmine Ciannella, scientific coordinator of EDUlab, presented the general objectives and activities of the program, emphasizing the benefits for teachers in the use of "Work Discussion" methodology in the scholastic context and the relative benefits for the students. Afterwards intervened, Dr. Alessia Barbato, Psychologist of the Scientific Coordination Board, who explained the methodology and the role played by the psychologist during the course of the activities, and Dr. Patrizia Picardi, coordinator for the dissemination, she explained how the data and the results obtained during the project will be processed and used. The meeting ended with the presentation to the participants of the W.A.T.C.H. logo, illustrating the communication objectives, the ideological study and the graphic choices that accompanied its realization.