National dissemination events

In May, four dissemination events were held, one for each of the countries participating in the WATCH project. The first was held in Italy on the 14th, the second in Romania on the 21st, the third in Slovenia on the 28th and finally the fourth in Estonia on the 31st. The title “Work Discussion Approach as good practice in primary schools” was the same for all of them because the intent and the programme was almost the same.

As a matter of fact the main objective of the event has been the dissemination of the final publication of the project id est the Intellectual Output where the application of the methodology, experimented during the project life, has been reported in order to be transferred. The main parts of the Intellectual Output have been introduced as a step towards the definition of focused good practices addressed to School Sector. The events have, in fact, seen the interested participation of schools, school administrators, teachers of various primary schools, both at city and provincial level, representatives of institutions of the Public Education sector, and the participation of psychologists and psychotherapists.

It's possible to download the book of “Intellectual Output” on the Final Publication page, and in addition, all the contents related to the activities carried out are available in the various sections of our site.