Fourth transnational meeting in Câmpina, Romania


The fourth meeting was organised in Câmpina, Romania.
A balance of what done during the first year of the project was made through the Analysis and Assessment of the material produced and the activities implemented. All participants contributed with their considerations and observations. An attentive Analysis on the Application of the Work Discussion Methodology was made by the Scientific Coordination Board with the involvement of the psychotherapists and psychologists present at the meeting. Finally, the Third Phase of FAIRY TALE ACTION was introduced to the coordinators: it will be implemented during the second year of the project.




For the Applicant school:
  Project Coordinator (Monica Malfitano)
  Local Coordinator (Annunziata Punzo)

For EDU lab:
  Scientific Coordinator (Carmine Ciannella)
  Transnational Coordinator (Gemma La Sita)
  Coordinator for the Dissemination (Patrizia Picardi)
  Local Coordination Board (Stefania Ciannella)

For Osnovna sola Vic:
  Local Coordinator (Robin Dewa)
  Psychotherapist (Anja Ibrčič)

For Võnnu Secondary School:   
  Local Coordination Board (Ene Runno)
  Psychologist (Riina Võikar)

For Scoala gimnaziala Centrala:
  Local Coordinator (Laura Arman)
  Psychologist (Lidia Sabo)