The Fairytale-Actionis a mean for the application of the Work Discussions approach and it consists of three phases, each lasting about four months. Once each 14 days, for about two hours and during the school time, the teachers involved in the project will propose to their students the fairytale-action with two different tasks: they will be the conductors and the observers of this activity.


First Phase

"Known"  fairy tales, chosen following specific issues and among those of their childhood, will be presented to the children. The children have the opportunity to modify them to their liking, playing with the characters, the events, the conclusions. Reading a fairy tale, children can give a face and a voice to those deep inner processes of their life that could remain hidden to consciousness. In the end, the identification with the characters of the story allows them to improve the awareness of their personal history and the most vulnerable part of it.


Second Phase

In the second phase the children have to develop a new fairy tale in group considering the "5 golden rules to write a fairy tale" according to the "Gianni Rodari Grammar rules": to choose a long time ago, to describe the good and evil characters, challenges to overcome and events that are repeated, presence of a magical element, a positive outcome. In addition, creative writing exercises are proposed to prepare the group for the construction of "final fairy tales". Fairy tales built according to this technique does not offer magic solutions to problems, and therefore inapplicable to the reality of everyday life, but on the contrary they incline them towards  the sometimes problematic reality, fostering a real process of empowerment and increment problem solving strategies.


Third Phase

In the third phase of the project the group of children will complete the writing of a fairy tale thanks to the use of the "Cards of Propp", in order to "perform" it with the use of puppets.

The performance of the fairy tale provides the background of all the activities linked to this part of the project, as it constitutes a symbolic space within which children have the opportunity to rework the emotions experienced in the previous phases. In fact, at the end of the performance it is possible to develop a possible reflection on the fairy tale created starting right from the experiences of each child. The puppet theatre helps children to move easily and to give life to their inner voice through the game and becoming familiar with their character. This method allows each child to participate in the representation without necessarily having to deal with the direct visual exposure to an external audience.